Friday, December 23, 2011

A very Special Christmas

This Christmas is going to be a very special on for Mr. Aardvark and I. Aside from the fact that it will be the first and, for that matter, last Christmas we spend as an engaged couple, it is the very first Christmas that we will not have to leave our separate seven-hours-apart-ways after!

Ok, to be fair our first Christmas, in 2008, we did not have to go our separate ways after I was living in South Dakota and he was in Minnesota and we had only been dating a few weeks and did not spend it together at all. In fact, I didn't even get anything for Mr. Aardvark! (oops!) But upon coming home from my parent's house he presented me with a vase! A really cool vase. I was impressed and it is still on display in our home.

Christmas 2009 I had just graduated and was about to start my new grown-up job. I had time to kill and Mr. A had vacation so he came and spent all of Christmas week with my family and I. We had so much time, in fact, that we took an additional trip to Indiana to see some of his family too! I remember being pretty sure that we would get engaged that Christmas. I guess you could even say that's when I officially really realized I even wanted to marry him sooner than later.

Not the best picture of me but I love the paper crowns!

Sadly, after that week ended I was in Wisconsin and he was heading back to Minnesota. We were not engaged and we starting our really long distance part of our LDR.

2010 was a short and sweet drive down to see the family and back in only a few days. Mr. Aardvark came but we had to leave early since he had an extra seven hours of driving after I got home. Little did I know that we were this close to finally ending the LDR!

This year there is no LDR! We are engaged and when we get back to Wisconsin, all we will have to do is take down our tree! No sad goodbyes no pouting, just back to our live and wedding planning! I am SO excited.

What are you most excited for this Christmas?

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