Thursday, April 5, 2012

If You Don't Like the Weather in the Mid-West....

....Wait ten minutes. It will change.

When we set our wedding date for mid-April in Michigan we knew we were rolling the dice. There could be a blizzard, eighty degrees and sunshine, or anything in between. Mr. Aardvark and I even toyed with the idea of putting a poll on our wedding website so people could guess the weather at 2:00 on our wedding date.

Papa Aardvark was adamant that the weather would be perfect. I didn't mind if we got a little rain (or snow) it would make for cute pictures. FMIL Aardvark gave me the cutest umbrella for Christmas that will go really well with our colors and I have little lacey rain boots that I've been jonesing to use for almost a year now! I have a beautiful shawl that I purchased on vacation last year just in case it gets cold! I am clearly a bride prepared!

There was one thing I had not really thought about, Papa Aardvark being right! Today, for the first time our wedding date showed up on the ten day forecast and I could.not.believe. what I saw:

Image from The Weather
Sixty two and sunny?! With zero chance of rain?! Whhhaaa? Can anyone say perfect?

Now, I am not naive enough to think that this will stay the same for the next 9 days, however, it is a pretty good start! Here's hopping the forecast is right (for once)!

Has weather played a part in your planning? Married Bees, what was it like on your wedding day?

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