Thursday, June 28, 2012

For the Love of Love: May I Have This Dance?

Before I get into our first dances, I need to talk about shoes. I know, I know, I have said my bit about shoes more  than once already. Humor me. 

You see, my bridesmaids loved the look of the pink shoes they all rocked, but unless properly broken in, they.were.not.comfortable. (oops). Mama Aardvark, being the very clever lady she is, carried a pair of flats with her most of the day, in case anyone needed them. By the time we had started outdoor pictures, bridesmaid Red had called dibs on them. 

Now, Red is also a clever lady and had planned all along to change shoes for the reception. Once she changed, she left the extra shoes on my chair in hopes that they would find their way back to Mama Aardvark.

I on the other hand am not a clever lady. I am the one who will hobble around all night in heels until my feet are bloody nubs. I refuse to go barefoot when I am dressed up (which is odd because I am normally barefoot any other time). I had picked a reasonably comfortable heel for the wedding day and decided to stick with it. I would be fine. I am tough. Or so I thought.

I had not realized just how much time I would spend on my feet in these shoes! By the time our cocktail hour was wrapping up I was hurtin' for certain. As I hobbled over to our table for dinner, like a miraculous gift, I found my mom's flats on my chair! In no time at all they were on my feet and my dreams of dancing all night were restored!

Before I could dance all night, I needed to dance with my husband! The DJ called everyone over and we took the floor. The music started  and we began to dance. We started off with a little Jr. High Sway.

And then tried for a twirl. This is where things get interesting. My new found happy-heaven-foot-clouds (aka flat shoes) where not what I had practiced dancing in. As you can see below, the shoes were no match for our twirling skills in a split second one of my shoes was flying across the dance floor.

For a split second I thought about going after it, but decided it was not worth the hassle. I figured there was some Cinderella symbolism there somewhere.

And shoes or no, we were married and dancing together as husband and wife! All too soon the music ended.

Then it was time for my dad and I to dance. I fetched my shoe and the DJ started the music. Now, I have been told on several different occasions that I have no rhythm, however, I don't think that is true. My dad and I can keep tempo dancing together just fine. Whether or not that temp matches the music is a different story, but at least I come by it honestly.

We had so much fun during our daddy daughter dance, there was no time to get teary . The up beat song had us moving fast enough that there was not much chatting. However, papa Aardvark did say, "The biggest feeling I've felt today is pride." Aww shucks Papa Aardvark! I did not full on cry, but I sure did mist up!

With both of my shoes still on, I left the dance floor to MIL and Mr. Aardvark.

It was so sweet to watch them twirling around. I really think they had fun. It was so nice to see such big smiles on both of their faces.

We had one more dance to go before the floor was open to everyone. We had an anniversary dance. While I like this idea anyway, we had even more reason to do one. You see, BIL and SIL Aardvark share our wedding date. Only they tied the knot five years earlier. When we were planning I asked (several times) if they were sure it was ok that we would share. SIL was so sweet. She said she was excited and the fact that it was five years made it even better because we would hit major milestones together! (anniversary trips anyone?)

We knew we had to do something special, so, for the anniversary dance we played their first dance song, James Taylor's Secret of Life.

The DJ called all of the married couples to the floor. As soon as the music started, I got a smile from SIL Aardvark. It was so nice to do that for them and a tiny way to thank them for sharing their wedding date with us! As the DJ called out lengths of time and couples shuffled to the endges of the floor, he called, "4 years, 364 days?" And then announced his reasoning. The Aardvark in-laws got a big round of applause.

As the song went on, fewer and fewer people were left on the floor until finally  the last couple was spinning out there all by themselves. My Great Aunt and Uncle. They had been married for forty two years! I love this picture of them! They still look so in love!

Before I knew it, the "required dances were over and it was time to boogy!

All photos by Michael Terri Studios Unless otherwise noted.

Miss a recap? Don't fret! Here they are!

13.) For the Love of Love: Something Sweet

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