Monday, October 10, 2011

Pretty Maids All in a Row: N'Sync

Nooo... I am not talking about the band.. . (then why did you spell it that way Miss. Aardvark? Because it was fun that's why!)

Photo via
I am talking about my AMAZING bridesmaids. They have some how managed to  sync up their calendars and are all coming together this weekend to dress shop in Chicago!! I am beside myself with excitement. The idea that they would all be in the same place at the same time before the rehearsal (or even before the wedding) was a far away dream. But on Friday, that dream, that far away hope, will be made real!

First off, to the Aardvark bridesmaids, a big ol' THANK YOU! I mean this could not be an easy feat! Check it:

MOH MD is as her name implies in med school. I have never been in med school but from what I see on TV it is fairly time consuming...

BM Red works like....60 hours a week...also lives about 12 hours away in the great white north.

BM OT has just finished her masters and is working as an occupational therapist intern at a big hospital... A sweet gig that she just started...and she  is taking time off to make the trip....

BM Flossy is in dental school... based on what I've heard this too is fairly time consuming.....

And BM Sis is a sixth grader! (ALREADY!?) Yup... middle school... don't even get me started on how rough that can be!

As you can see, my chicas have a lot going on if you don't count my wedding. These ladies have all taken time out of their (very busy) lives, and made decided to come to Chicago (woohoo road trip!) to have a girls weekend. I am blown away by this and so excited to have such great friends!

Have your bridesmaids done anything that has blown you away?

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