Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today in History....

October 18th is kind of a big deal day. For one, in 1867, the united states took possession of Alaska

Image Via US-Nature.com

Sooo pretty.... BUT something ELSE happened on Oct. 18th 141 years later in 2008. Mr. Aardvark and I had our "first" date. We have spent the last three years getting to know each other, falling in love, and planning our lives together. We celebrate this day as our date-iversary and not the real first date because that one is too close to Halloween (and Mr. A still claims this date as our first.)!

The last three years have been the shortest and the longest all at once. It seems like a lifetime since we were driving all over the place to bike races and I was a student. At the same time, all that seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. Three years is not a very long time, but it is long enough to change your life forever! Mr. Aardvark, I cannot wait to spend the next three years, and every group of  three years after that, with you!

On that "first" date, as I was driving away from his house, wondering if he was a giddy as I was this song came on the radio and I thought it was perfect:

"If I'm crazy than it's true, but it's all because of you, and you wouldn't have me any other way"

And to top off this sappy date-iversay post, our first picture together.... No it was not on that first date... but it is still one of my all time favorites!

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