Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Win!

So, you may not know this about me, but I am highly competitive. One of the reasons I applied here as a blogger is to challenge myself as writer. I often channel this competitive streak into athletics. I race my bike, swim or roller derby my way into a socially acceptable person that doesn't have to "win" at everything in everyday life.

However, I have noticed in the past few months that, while my work-out routine has not completely vanished, it has slowed to a trickle. On top of that, I have not been to a race (or bout in the case of derby) in a looooonnnnggg time. I was really missing the all out effort followed by a win (or is some cases all out effort followed my a non-win followed by more effort).

As much as I want to get it in gear and be a general badass, I feel like there is only enough energy there for marginal bad-ass-ness. And that's when it hit me. The Wedding! The wedding is soaking up all of my extra energy and time! When I used to be training, now I am surfing inspiration sites! When I used to be visualizing the win now I am hot gluing and corner punching like a mad woman! There is still a big end goal, a beautiful wedding as kick-off to loving marriage, but you can't really win at weddings. (Unless you are on TV (I'm looking at you Four Weddings!)) I enjoy planning and crafting, but who knew it could occupy such a big part of my life!

I think part of it is due to our short (ish) engagement. Just over nine months to plan a big Catholic wedding is not quite in crazy territory but it gets rid of the lull time that I have heard so much about. (As a side note, I kept meaning to write a post about lull time but I kept having wedding related things pop up! Now we are less than five months away and more to do than ever!)

I am thinking (hoping) that after the wedding, as our lives shape into a married routine without huge event planning, I (we) will get back into the swing of racing. For now, obsessing over the endless detail that is our wedding has taken a large chunk of mental(/emotional/time)  real estate. (To be fair it had been squatting on the property for some time before the engagement) It was not an all at once change. It has been happening slowly and escalating as the wedding draws near. I wonder if the shift back will be as gradual or if it will be more sudden?

Have you noticed a big change in your life due to wedding planning? (other than, of course, getting married) Or are you one of those magic people who somehow manage to do it all and add the wedding on top? (If so how??)

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