Thursday, November 3, 2011


That would be: OOooh! My Earrings! as in my wedding earrings!

I know, I know I have not picked a veil nor tried on my dress (first fitting is in a week and a half though! Woohoo!) how could I be picking earrings already!? But the fact of the matter is, they found me. I signed up for Dress Rush when they had that sweet deal here on Weddingbee and scored a $25 dollar gift card to Tigerlilly Jewelry for FREE! I have to say, even if I hadn't scored the gift card I would have been very happy to learn about Tigerlilly. Beautiful jewelery, fairly reasonable prices, and the option to customize! Sign me up!

So I poked around on the site for awhile, contemplated commissioning a custom piece and then I found The Georgia! (Please forgive the cell phone pictures! I was trying to be super sneaky so Mr. Aardvark wouldn't see!)

Cute little Box!

They came on a card but it was nothing special. I wanted to show you the closure
 which is my favorite kind for dangly earrings!

They are nice sized, but light, which I really like in earrings (but not in necklaces....I like heavy necklaces). I hate that stretched out ear lobe feeling. Even worse is when you can see in pictures how heavy the earrings are it gives me the willies but at the same time I love big earrings!(Yeah... I am weird like that.)

So, time to take these bad boys for a test drive!

I am a big fan! It is hard to tell in this picture, but they really sparkled in the bathroom lights!

(Sorry about the no-makeup frizzy haired mess!
Please just look at the ears and nothing in between!)

And zoom out a bit, this is what they look like when you are not all up in my business. I am really happy with them and can't wait to wear them in April. I think they will make regular appearances in my "fancy jewelry" rotation after the wedding.

Do you have any weird jewelry quirks or preferences? Did you buy things way out of order?

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