Monday, February 6, 2012

Tick Tock

So, currently we have less than 70 days to go until "the big show" and I and starting to feel the time crunch. After hearing over and over again not to put off projects until the last minute, I am starting to take that a bit too seriously because I can see the "last minutes" coming closer and closer.

This weekend for example, Mr. Aardvark went out on a bike ride (outside in Wisconsin!) because it was so nice out! I could have joined him, but instead I finished the flower girl/ring bearer gifts. Chances are I would have gotten them done if I had ridden, but I REALLY wanted to check them off of my ever-growing craft list. (Post on those to come).

On Sunday, as we were getting ready to watch a Packer-less Super Bowl (AKA a few hours of great ads), I was working on boutonnieres, but what I really wanted to do was make soft pretzels. Why? Because I have convinced myself that if I don't do it NOW, it won't happen.

Maybe, it can be argued, that my lack of exercise was just balancing out me not making a salty treat, all while getting crafts cranked out like a one woman (and about 1/2 a Mr. Aardvark) sweat shop. But I think this behavior is a bit neurotic. I know that I should not put things off too much, but their is something to be said for finding a little bit of life balance.

Maybe tonight I should step away from the glue gun, put the glitter away, and not even thing about ribbon. Maybe tonight will be different. That being said, it would be nice to cross a few things off the to-do list....

Have you gotten to the now-or-never phase of planning? How to you strike a balance? Is there a balance to be struck or does sanity only return after the nuptials?

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