Thursday, February 9, 2012

"You Have a Wedding Dress to Fit Into!"

Hive, forgive me, this may be a bit of a rant. Really it is more of an open letter to people who may witness  a bride to be eating. I know that weight, and weight loss are very personal subjects, and I acknowledge that others may enjoy a bit of outside motivation. However this is my experience and I feel I need to share it with you.

I thought that an upcoming wedding would be a big motivator to be in the best shape ever, but honestly it has had the opposite effect. And really that makes sense, because when I was in my best shape ever, I was spending 20-30 hours a week training, and was laser focused on competition. These days, not so much. However, all my clothes still fit and I don't feel horrible so I have had a hard time seeing a "problem".

Well, I must have missed the memo that all brides are fitness-crazed, calorie counting, and worried about the fit of their dresses. Lucky for me a few months into my engagement this was pointed out to me. The kicker? It was pointed out by an acquaintance! Someone I knew, kinda, but in any other situation would be totally inappropriate for her to comment on my weight or size. We were talking about getting ice cream (or was it doughnuts?) with a group and she looked at me and said,

 "But you have a wedding dress to fit into!".

Que jaw dropping. Ok, first I did not yet have a dress so if this ice cream outing somehow expanded my girth noticeably, I could buy a dress to accommodate. Secondly, the idea that an ice cream cone 7 months out will have any effect on my size in April is insane! And lastly, is it any of your business!?

Of course at the time I just laughed and made some comment about not having to worry yet...

I thought this would be a one off thing, but it's not, my family members have said it, friends have said it, I've heard it so many times I am starting to believe it!

But then I look at my other clothes. I look at my skinny jeans and there is still no muffin top, I look at my tailored clothes, they all still fit and lay just as nicely as they did. I have not expanded at all, I am still more or less the same shape, that shape is just softer than it used to be. And honestly, there is no way for the outside observer to know that without squeezing my biceps or something, and I am pretty sure no one has done that recently.

This leads me to believe, the only thing prompting these "You have a wedding dress to fit into!" comments is the fact that I am getting married. I am (or was) very comfortable with my body. I feel good, I look good,(most of the time, if I put in effort) and I do not see a pressing need to change my body for a one day (non-athletic) event. If I were training for an Iron Man or something that would be different, but I am not.

I am comfortable in my own skin Mr. Aardvark likes how I look, I like (most of) how I look, and I have even enjoyed the boobs that not training all the time has granted me! I am healthy, I eat pretty well, I exercise a few times a week, but I am not as hard-core as I once was. Maybe when the madness of wedding planning dies down that will change, but for now, it works.

So please, when I reach for that cupcake, cookie, or extra scoop of baked macaroni, I do not need to be reminded of my up-coming nuptials. I am aware that I am getting married.  I know that I have a dress, and the last time I tried it on (even after eating) it looked amazing.

Have you heard these comments? How do you deal with them?

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