Friday, August 26, 2011

Save the Date!

(Photo from
No... Not those kinds of Dates! This kind of Date!
Personal Photo
Our save the dates were so simple I can't even believe I am calling them a project. I like to say that I have a simple aesthetic. I like to say this because it gives me the green light to do things in the most basic and easy way possible. Don't get me wrong. I adore all of the beautiful engagement picture postcards, Magnets, pop-up-book style cards, hankies, and other amazing creative ideas floating around out there. I just wanted something I could whip together, get printed and put in the mailbox. This is what I came up with:

Personal Photo
 That's right. Is there a cutesy picture of us on the front? No. Is there a fun saying on the back...well if you think "Ms.and Mr. Aardvark are getting married" is a fun saying then, yes, otherwise, no. I made these in Illustrator but honestly it would have been faster and easier to make them in Word. I simply made a document for the front that consisted of a background color, a huge text box with the date in it and a pre-loaded boarder. For the back I put a strip of the border design down the middle, three lines to the right for writing in addresses and the basic "bla bla blaSAVE THE DATE, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED don't worry this isn't the invite, also we have a website. bla bla" on the back. I made sure it met the USPS guidelines for postcards, and then I went to

About every other day Vista Print sends out an e-mail for free this or that. I waited until I got one for free post cards and clicked through. The post cards were not free.. but they were pretty darn cheap. For $10 I could upload my own images. For $5 I could get both sides in color. For another $10 I could get matte finish recycled paper. Add shipping and I think the total cam out to less than $35. For 100 cards!! Free? Not quite. But a really good deal none the less.

So that's it. Date on the front and instructions to save it on the back. Don't get me wrong, I love being creative, I just know that there are going to be lots of projects for the wedding and I did not want to burn out too soon!

*All photos personal unless noted.
Did you have any projects that we super easy? Anything that you took the easy way out on?

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