A very wise man once said, real life begins when you have to implement plan B, even if you aren't sure what plan B is yet. Now, don't fret your pretty little faces, there is no major trouble in our lives or wedding planning. However, something we thought was all figured out, unfigured itself. That something is our bridal party. (Spoiler alert: There is no major drama here just a bit of a bummer)
We had asked our peeps months ago when we first got engaged. They all excitedly said yes and we started planning away. About a month ago, one of Mr. Aardvark's good friends, and groomsmen, had a change in his work situation. The change was pretty crummy over all, but made extra crummy by the fact that it made attending our wedding a financial impossibility. While he decided to look for different work, the odds of him attending our wedding are pretty slim.
There was not much to be done about it except let him know we'll save a spot for him if things change. We did not take him off the "Wedding Party" part of our website or anything. He is still an important part of Mr. Aardvark's life and we both feel like he is still a part of our day, even from a distance. We are sad that he will not be joining us, but we are all rolling with it.
We are now facing the interesting situation of having uneven sides. While I am not in the least worried about it, I am curious about how it has been handled by other bees? We are not having a head table, or a wedding party dance so that is no biggy. The only thing I have questions about is the aisle. I really want the Bridesmaids to walk down with Groomsmen. So far the options are: Have MOH MD walk alone, Have one GM walk two ladies at once, or have one guy loop back for a second walk.
Have any of you had to deal with this curve ball mid planning? How did you do the aisle?
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