Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Things Could Get Ugly.

Alright, so here's the deal. With less than three weeks to the wedding, my beauty routine has headed into "The Home Stretch". I am not a very fancy person most days. Makeup consists of concealer (boo adult acne) and eyeliner if I'm feeling jazzy. Once in awhile (usually for roller derby) I will do "full makeup" and while that is fun, I am too lazy to deal with it on a daily basis.

As far as other grooming goes, I got my eyebrows waxed years ago and have more or less kept them up with tweasing.

Now, for the ugly part. Thanks to religious use of Pro-Activ my skin is...Ok. It is not perfect or totally clear, but it is better than it has been in years. At this point I am going all out skin pampering mode. I have stopped wearing make up to work. Gasp. It is not really that big of a change. I don't even know if anyone besides me noticed. But my skin is a bit happier and that is what we are going for!

On top of the uneven skin tone, I have stopped tweasing my eyebrow in prep for having them waxed in a week and a half. This have been much more difficult than the no-concealer bit. I feel like I look like this:

Like Frida Kahlo but less cool.

Ok, so maybe it's not quite that bad... but I am so looking forward to getting some shape back!

Are you shaking up your beauty routine in the weeks leading up to your wedding? Do you believe things have to get worse before they get better?

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