Sunday, September 18, 2011

Doily Banners: How To

This project was lots of fun and very simple to execute. I had been looking at Doilies on Etsy to order as a base for our center pieces when I came across this:

Image via therufflyowl on Etsy

This seemed like such a cute, simple idea. It would look nice on a gift table, or cake table, or candy buffet, or anywhere really! I was convinced I could make one for less than the $18 they were asking for this.

Step One: Obtain Supplies. These include double fold bias tape, sewing machine, paper doilies, scissors.

I may have gone a little over board, I ordered 250 doilies... I used 27.5 for this project...oops. 
Step Two: Fold all doilies in half like so.

Notice all of the "snow" generated by these little doilies.

(Please, don't notice the messy craft table!)

Step Three: Cut along the fold. Don't worry about it being perfect, no one will see this part. 
Sorry for the awkward angle it is hard to get a decent photo of yourself cutting.

Step Four: After cutting all the doilies, tuck them into the bias tape. Because I am lazy, and hate few things more than pinning, I just did this as I went.
As a side note, Mr. Aardvark got me that sewing table last Valentine's Day.  <3
Step Five: Sew along the bias tape.

Yes, there are corny vending machine stickers on my sewing machine...
I got it when I was 13 and thought that was "cool"
That's about it. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. If you are super observant, you noticed I have grey thread in my machine. I could not find green, and figured grey was one of our colors too... Also then I would not have to change it when I switched to Navy blue. Would you like to see the finished product?

I think the contrast stitching looks cute! And it's mostly straight.
And the Blue:

Grey stitching was for sure the way to go!
So there you have it. I now have six yards of these lovelies. I may make more (as I have about 232 doilies left) I will just need to pick up more bias tape. And how much did this cost?

The bias tape was $3 per pack 

250 doilies, $10 

So I came in at $16 bucks spent... not too much cheaper... but I still have lots of doilies, and I did not have to pay shipping. The whole thing took me about 45 minutes. 

Now, since the wedding is still more than six months away, I had to find a safe way to store these. 

I folded them accordion style and put them in an old card box. Can't wait to take them out and string them up at Arcadia!

*All photos personal unless otherwise noted.

Have you had any projects that came out easier than you thought?

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