Wedding planning has been rolling right along at the Aardvark house. We have all of the majors out of the way and are somewhere near that "in between" time I've heard so much about. However, there are still little wedding things that pop up now and then that need to be taken care of.
Well, lately work has gotten really busy for me (in a good but still stressful way) and last night I came home and realized I had never actually booked a block of hotel rooms. I had, a few weeks ago, e-mailed back and forth with the hotel we had decided to book with. And then, totally dropped the ball. It was not an emergency or anything, it had just fallen off of my radar and happened to pop back on when I was just too tuckered out to handle it. (Yes, folks, I am saying I was too tired to open my computer and type, "Sounds good, we'll take X number of rooms. Please and Thank you.")
What's a bride to do?! Well, the answer may be very clear to you clever ladies (and/or gents) but it seemed totally novel to me at the time. It went something like this:
"Mr. Aardvark, will you please e-mail the hotel lady?"
And just like that it was taken care of! Like magic or something! Now, I hope you do not get the impression that this is the first time Mr. Aardvark has contributed to the wedding planning, because it most certainly is not! He made our (amazing) wedding website all by himself and he is totally in charge of honeymoon plans. On top of that he has been very helpful with my various crafts and is always asking if I need anything.
However, being the do it yourself type that I am, I sometimes forget to ask for help. Re-remembering that Mr. A is on my wedding planning team, was awesome. Handing something off felt great! I don't think I will type him out a 6 page list or anything but its nice to be reminded someone has your back!
Did you need something to remind you that you were not alone in wedding planning? You do know that you are not alone right? I mean, at the very least you have the hive! ;)
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