Thursday, September 22, 2011

Far Away, Again

As you know, Mr. Aardvark and I have put our long distance days behind us. However, this week I have been out of town for work. And when I say out of town, I mean on the edge of civilization. We are staying at this beautiful place in the woods of the U.P. (upper peninsula for those of you not from the mid-west or Michigan). We are getting some bike riding in and lots of important meetings. The bum this is, there is NO phone service and the internet speed is glacial at best.

This is the first time since Mr. Aardvark moved here, and we ended our 14 month LDR, that I have been on a trip without him. It's not that being apart for a week is bad, it's the not being able to call or text or IM that stinks. We have had a few very slow e-mail conversations but that's about it.

This has made me realize a couple of things, one, I am FULLY addicted to surfing the internet and checking my phone, and two, there is something really comforting about having an understanding partner. To the last note, I really struggled this week with the lack  of voice time with Mr. Aardvark, but instead of adding fuel to the I-miss-you-so-much-I-wish-I-could-talk-to-you-fire, he sends cheerful updates about how he and Kitty are getting along, encourages me to enjoy the nice weather and beautiful mountain bike trails, and reminds me that a week is much shorter than 14 months. Yet another reason I am mad about that man.

The other issue, with being so unreachable, is that my wedding planning (obsessing) has been put totally on hold! It kills me not to be able to research and browse pictures (especially here) without it taking 20 min. per page!

I apologize that there are no pictures in this post, but like I said, the internet is only one tiny step better than dial up!

Have you "un-plugged" for a week at a time? Has work kept you from your one and only? How do you cope?

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