Thursday, January 12, 2012

Through My Guy's Eyes

So I recently picked up the latest copy of Martha Stewart Weddings and was paging through it with the Mister. I thought I could entice him into a game of "which do you like best" but he was not biting. I even had a really easy page with only two dresses on it that were totally different:
Image from Winter 2012 Martha Stewart Weddings

After a bit of prodding Mr. Aardvark considered the picture above and said, "Well, they both look exactly alike!"  I about fell out of my chair! I mean these two dresses may have been similar but exactly alike!? I don't think so.

I quickly gave up on "Which do you like best" and was just flipping though for my own enjoyment when I came to the picture below. It took my breath away. In fact, I  may have gasped a little, drawing Mr. Aardvark's attention. I told him how much I like that dress how alluring and sophisticated the draping was. I adore how the flap in the back hints at sexiness without spelling everything out. I am intrigued by the way it gaps open a bit, inviting you to look but at the same time covering the back. I was falling fast for the delicate beading. The whole thing captivated me.  What did Mr. A have to  say?
"It looks like those old fashioned pajamas that have a button flap in the back so you can poop!"

Image from Winter 2012 Martha Stewart Weddings
I pretty much died.

At this point I was in awe of how two people, and not just any, random two, but two who agree on lots of things, could look at these images and see such differences. It reminded me how amazing it is that people are able to communicate at all, let alone enough to fall in love. It also reminded me how lucky I was to have a set of eyes, to look at things so, totally, differently than I do, on my team. I really think this is part of what makes couples work. They balance each other out. One person may see elegance, the other a butt flap, and the reality is somewhere in between.

Have you had any deep revelations during seeming silly moments?

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