So a few months ago, we did our Pre-Cana classes through the church. It was loads of fun and I really enjoyed the conversations it inspired. We even got a little certificate that showed we took the course.
This, however, was not the end of our Catholic marriage prep. We also had to complete a FOCCUS inventory and review it with another couple from our church. Well we are half way there because we both finished our surveys. We had to do it individually and without input from the other and the discuss together. In a few weeks we will get an appointment to view our results with another couple. I am really looking forward to that part.
I was a bit nervous about the questionnaire at the beginning because it came right out and asked if we were cohabiting. And the answer was yes. I was a bit nervous that the whole thing would be very preachy. But really, it wasn't most of the questions were simple 'agree' 'disagree' or 'uncertain' multiple choice and covered family, finances and faith. There were a few questions about child rearing here and there but over all it was pretty low-key.
We had joked before taking it that it was our "marriage exam" but really it just fueled some great conversation about communication and future plans. I am looking forward to meeting with "our couple" to go over the results.
Have you taken the FOCCUS inventory? What did you think?
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